Postgraduate education for Chinese medicine practitioners: a Hong Kong perspective

Postgraduate Education for Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Hong Kong

Sample size: 19 publication Evidence: moderate

Author Information

Author(s): Chung Vincent CH, Law Michelle PM, Wong Samuel YS, Mercer Stewart W, Griffiths Sian M

Primary Institution: School of Public Health, Chinese University of Hong Kong


What are the perspectives of TCM graduates on their career prospects and postgraduate training?


TCM graduates in Hong Kong feel let down by the lack of public PGT opportunities which is hindering career development.

Supporting Evidence

  • Graduates expressed dissatisfaction with the current quality of local postgraduate training.
  • Many graduates are considering leaving the profession due to limited career development opportunities.
  • Graduates identified a need for better integration of western medicine knowledge in their training.


The study found that TCM graduates in Hong Kong are unhappy with their career options and want better training opportunities.


Three focus group discussions with 19 local TCM graduates who had worked full time in a clinical setting for fewer than 5 years.


The study is based on a small sample size and may not represent all TCM graduates.

Participant Demographics

Local TCM graduates with less than 5 years of clinical experience.

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