Vitrification of isolated mice blastomeres using a closed loading device
Vitrification of Isolated Mice Blastomeres
Sample size: 12
Evidence: high
Author Information
Author(s): Kader Amr, Agarwal Ashok, Sharma Rakesh, Falcone Tommaso
Primary Institution: Cleveland Clinic
Can isolated mice blastomeres be preserved using a closed vitrification system?
The study successfully demonstrated that isolated blastomeres can be vitrified and warmed with 100% post-warming survival.
Supporting Evidence
- Vitrification avoids ice crystal formation that can damage cells.
- Closed systems reduce contamination risks during cryopreservation.
- Post-warming survival of blastomeres was 100%.
Scientists found a way to freeze tiny cells from mouse embryos so they can be saved for later use, and all the cells survived after being thawed.
Isolated blastomeres from 8 cell mouse embryos were vitrified using a cryotip and warmed to assess survival.
Further investigation is needed on any cellular or metabolic effects following cryopreservation.
Participant Demographics
Mice embryos were used in the study.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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