Survival of the Lusitanian Snail in Glacial Refugia
Author Information
Author(s): Aude Vialatte, Annie Guiller, Alain Bellido, Luc Madec
Primary Institution: UMR CNRS ECOBIO, Université de Rennes 1
Did the Lusitanian snail Elona quimperiana survive in separate glacial refugia during the last glaciations?
The study confirms that Elona quimperiana originated in Iberia and suggests it survived the Pleistocene glaciations in distinct refugia.
Supporting Evidence
- Genetic diversity was higher in Spanish populations compared to those in Brittany.
- Distinct haplotypes were found in the Basque populations, indicating their importance for conservation.
- Demographic analyses suggested a recent expansion in Brittany populations.
Scientists studied a type of snail to see where it lived during the ice ages, and found it survived in different safe places in Spain and France.
The study involved collecting tissue samples from 81 snails across various locations and analyzing their genetic sequences.
Potential Biases
Potential biases may arise from human activities affecting the populations and their habitats.
The study could not definitively distinguish between ancient and recent colonization scenarios for the Brittany populations.
Participant Demographics
The study focused on populations of Elona quimperiana from Brittany, Spain, and the Basque Country.
Statistical Information
Statistical Significance
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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