Snow Control: A Web-Based Therapy for Reducing Cocaine Use
Author Information
Author(s): Schaub Michael, Sullivan Robin, Stark Lars
Primary Institution: Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction, Zurich, Switzerland
Participants in the therapy group will show higher reductions in cocaine dependence and consumption than those in the control group.
The study aims to test the effectiveness of a web-based self-help therapy to reduce cocaine use in problematic users.
Supporting Evidence
- This is the first trial testing online self-help therapy for cocaine users.
- The therapy is based on established methods like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
- Participants will be recruited through various online platforms.
This study is testing an online program to help people who use cocaine to cut down or stop using it.
A randomized controlled trial comparing a web-based self-help therapy to a control group receiving psycho-educative information.
Potential Biases
Participants may underreport substance use due to the self-reported nature of the data.
Self-reported data may not be entirely accurate, and there is a risk of high dropout rates.
Participant Demographics
Participants are problematic cocaine users aged 18 and older.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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