Comparing Mechanical Properties of Foot Surgery Staples
Author Information
Author(s): Rethnam Ulfin, Kuiper Jan, Makwana Nilesh
Primary Institution: Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital
There is no difference in stiffness between the staples.
The Richards staple is stiffer but permanently deforms, while Memoclip staples are easier to handle and do not deform permanently.
Supporting Evidence
- The Richards staple was found to provide a four times larger resistance to bending and torsion than the two memory staples.
- Memoclip staples exhibited lower but adequate stiffness compared to the standard Richards staple.
- Memoclip staples were easier to handle and did not undergo permanent deformation after bending.
This study looked at different staples used in foot surgery to see which one works best. The Richards staple is strong but can bend permanently, while the Memoclip staple is easier to use and stays in shape.
The study compared the bending and torsional stiffness of three types of staples using standardized bone models and mechanical testing.
The study used synthetic models instead of real bone, which may not fully replicate biological conditions.
Statistical Information
Statistical Significance
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